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How Did Your Organization Do This Legislative Session? Do You Know What to Do Next?

By now the Governor of California is wrapping up bills to be signed, approved, etcetera. Do you know if your organization was included in the bills that got signed by the governor? Do you know what to do if you were in the list of bills that got rejected this year? If the answer is yes, you do not have to read the rest of this article. If your answer is no, we encourage you to continue reading.

This year marked a unique year in California legislation because it also happened to be a national election year. What does this translate to when it comes to grassroots lobbying? It means that things moved at the speed of light. Let’s say on average bills are reviewed until December. In an election year the approval rate Decreases because those bills need to be approved before Mid-November. The date of national election, the reason for this is the governor of the state maybe we are running for election or simply terming out. Therefore, every bill they approve has to reflect their final statement to the state as a politician r their future plans for this state if reelected.

As a result of this no one whether the winner will be conservative or liberal in decision making is essential. This is what consulting agencies do, like ours. Or legislative analysts. We are technically not a legislative analyst on our consulting, but we work in similar fields and work side by side with such brilliant individuals. So, in this article we are going to give you some key tips to remember. During an election year and even if it isn’t in an election year.

Five things you need to know about election year decisions (Note, these are just general knowledge tips each situation can differ)

  1. Pay attention to the conversations that are happening in the News Online any way you can analyze the thoughts of the political individuals such as the governor.
  2. Try to structure your concepts and ideas based on that knowledge Does it seem conservative? Is it going liberal?
  3. Be aware that if it is conservative, you may have to compromise on things that you normally wouldn’t in a liberal mindset.
  4. Know where to compromise and the impact it will have on your overall vision of your bill.
  5. Keep true to your Vision. Don’t let the compromising ruin your bills concept.

You know, even the best consultants cannot guarantee a win to their clients but having this type of mindset. Gives you the best chance. For example, It is very hard for a third party to guarantee a signature to their client In the political arena. But if you follow these steps, your likelihood of success Increases up to 85 to 90%.

At a point everybody Is in. a watch and wait game. Regardless of what industry you’re working in and who you’re working with. The best thing you can do is put yourself in the best position for approval. Knowing this information, we encourage people to contact us for further guidance and as always. stay out there, stay active, and stay vocal

Jessica Gould

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