Special Edition: Where Should Your Organization Be? Are There Things Your Organization Should Consider Underneath The Federal Impact?

It is the second month of the year. And there are major shifts on the horizon in the federal regime. As an organization, a major question that may be coming to your mind. Is what can we do about it? In this article, we are going to share with you some major tips if your organization is thinking about going federally. On top of regular engagement there should be happening around this time.

The federal regime works quite quickly. So if your organization is  in the circle about these major changes, the first thing you need to do is pay attention to your system. These are federal organizations that represent the underserved population In which Your organization fits examples of these  are the State Council on Developmental Disabilities. Department of Disability Services. Within the disability Space.

Outside some example organizations are the Department of Child and Welfare Services. The Department of Public Health. And. The Department of Mental Health Services. On a brief side note, we want to mention if you want to figure out which department your social organization falls under in any state, these services are listed under Health And Human Services. The Federal organizations Responsible federal oversight are often listed here.

Why is all this information important to know right now? The answer is many services that are described above are funded in some way, shape or form by the federal government. The federal government is Proposing massive cuts. This should not be shocking information to people. All you need to do is turn on the news to see this information.  If you serve an underserved population. You need to be prepared for this coming change and know what to do to help make it so your sector is not hit as hard.

How to do this?

Attend any and all trainings by the federal agency representing your underserved population. Such as the example we listed earlier.  Contact advocacy organizations and training organizations to see how to get involved in the process.’

What is the effect?

By doing this you are helping create when you find voice for the underserved population. Regimes can think about only the financial aspect and forget that they are serving people. This is A fact that is oftentimes overlooked when Systems are doing well. However, when you serve an underserved population. Some way, somehow, their funding is provided by the federal government. What percentage rate changes depending on? What underserved population are you talking about? The important thing is to remember to get involved in whatever advocacy efforts are going on in your sector and to remain a united voice. Remember, we are stronger together.