Summer Engagement with Politicians, Why Is It So Important?

Many of our subscribers notice that we talk about summer engagement consistently here at J Gould Consulting. Some of our followers may be wondering why we talk about this so much? Summer is normally the time for family fun. Relaxing by the beach. Hanging out with family and friends. So why do political engagement? The answer is actually quite simple. It is important for an organization to be in the minds of a legislative representative when making budgetary financial decisions.

They only have so many slots they can choose from when it comes to social causes and what to support. So, you want your organization to be on the top of that list. This is where summer engagement becomes so important. The legislature is about to go back on to their break. For about a month. We highly encourage all of our followers and subscribers to start engaging. Introduce yourself to this process. Celebrate your success rates if you’ve had them so far. But also plot for the long term. Building those relationships, ours is so important. It’s ok if you take a week or so off for your family, friends, and general enjoyment. In general, just be on the lookout for events near your agencies area hosted by legislative representatives. Engage with them, interact with them, follow up with them.

The truth is it is the hungry bird that gets the worm. So, these persistent actions of engagement shows your interest and passion in your area of expertise. Enough engagement with a politician will prove to that politician how serious your organization is about making changes to the political process. So main reason for pushing engagement during the summer is to Give your organization the leg up in the political game. As well as. Building and forming concepts and ideas during a time where you can think about it. Since the Legislature is on vacation your organizations has  time to formulate their ideas Come up with a strategy plan and then approach the legislature with an open mind of negotiation. Continue engaging and please, if you have any success, J Gould Consulting wants to hear about it.